Glad to help you by providing my programming consulting services

Hi. I am clealCode. I can help you with your programming homework, develop software, and everything related to programming, IT and computing

clealCode - Freelance developer


See how can I help you
Consultancy and general help
Consultancy and general help

Help you with your homework, solve code issues (in my project or yours), questions about my apps, advice or general help whit programming-related topics

Homework and/or scholarship project
Homework and/or scholarship project

Solve programming exercises and make projects or software development

Software modification, improve, update or upgrade
Software modification, improve, update or upgrade

Modify or upgrade existing software published in my blog

Software creation
Software creation

Develop a la carte software.

Repair and Maintenance
Repair and Maintenance

Remote support, preventive and corrective maintenance, software updates, etc.

Maintenance Policies
Maintenance Policies

Scheduled preventive maintenance visits, emergency remote support, inventory of your computer equipment, etc.

Let me show you some projects I have created

Navigate through my projects or check my blog to read my latest posts

Portfolio Blog

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Glad to help you

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clealCode - Freelance developer

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